
第一代大学生, 贝琳达Alonso-Coronado我一直对数学很着迷. 当她发现数学在建筑中不可或缺的作用时, 她开始梦想从事这一领域的工作. She received her Associate of Arts degree from Austin Community College through her high school’s dual enrollment program with the hope of someday pursuing a degree from a four-year university. 今天,她的希望正在实现,感谢 赫克托和格洛丽亚López基金会López学者计划. 2023年3月,基金会宣布了一项2美元的计划.4 million grant to provide full tuition assistance for 15 Latino first-generation college students at 在线博彩, creating pathways to educational attainment and a pipeline to a successful career. 作为第一批López学者之一, Belinda is now pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Architecture from 在线博彩’s Klesse College of Engineering and Integrated Design.

At 在线博彩, Belinda has eagerly immersed herself in the diverse field of architecture. Her involvement ranges from active participation in the American Institute of Architecture Students to engaging in Klesse College student events like the School of Architecture and Planning Career Fair. These experiences have both deepened her understanding of the field and helped clarify her vision for the future within the vast professional sector. Belinda aspires to blend her architectural skills with her passion for the film industry, eventually specializing in set design for large-scale film projects, a career path she had not initially realized was even possible.

The López Scholars Program does more than just cover educational expenses—it lays the groundwork for success. 奖学金还保证住房等必需品, 餐, 并提供学术资料, 允许学者, 像贝琳达, to concentrate on their studies without the burden of financial stress. 此外, the program fosters personal growth and academic achievement through mentorship, 训练, 和研讨会, 所有这些都是为了创造一个全面的大学体验.

“I cannot express my gratitude enough to the Hector and Gloria López Foundation for putting their faith in me and giving me the opportunity to be a part of the López Scholars Program,贝琳达分享道。. “Pursuing such a demanding degree while balancing work and financial worries seemed nearly impossible, but receiving their incredibly generous scholarship has given me the freedom to participate in student organizations and enjoy a fulfilling life among my peers on campus. 我对未来充满期待!”

With the support and confidence gained from the López Scholars Program, Belinda is setting her sights on furthering her education by pursuing a master’s degree at 在线博彩, 从2027年秋天开始.